Health & Happiness At All Ages: Wellness Tourism for Mature Travelers & Family Groups

“Wellness travel” once evoked a fairly limited set of images: a group of young women practicing yoga beachside, a middle-aged couple indulging in high-end spa treatments, or individuals seeking mind/body transformation preceding or following major life events.  

However, the concept of wellness travel has broadened significantly in the last few years (particularly post-COVID), making the travel category dramatically more inclusive. Wellness is for everyone, whatever your age, life stage, purpose, goals, or budget. 

As a result, wellness travel has become a cherished tradition for many families, involving two (and even three) generations. It’s a way to bond, learn, and grow healthier together, making each journey a chapter in your family’s unique story of well-being.

Why Family Wellness Matters

So, why have some seasoned travelers come to believe that family wellness travel is significantly more transformative than solo or couples’ wellness travel? In speaking with our clients, here are the answers we’re hearing most frequently:

”Programs for the young ones”

1. It Cultivates Consciousness In Early Life

The sad truth is that many of us don’t think much about proactively cultivating personal wellness until our well-being is suddenly threatened or challenged in some way. Imagine, instead, children who are exposed to fun, age-appropriate wellness activities (think: yoga, martial arts, water sports, hiking, even meditation) as the fabric of their family vacations beginning in early childhood. 

Participating in these activities not only promotes physical fitness but also positively impacts mental health. What a gift to receive at a young age – to grow up with a first-hand understanding of the value of safeguarding wellness even before disease or imbalance sets in. It is truly a gift that lasts a lifetime.

2. It Recognizes the Power of Food to Nourish Body, Mind, and Soul

Imagine whipping up creative, healthy dishes as a family under the tutelage of nutritionally-aware chefs who value organic, locally-sourced ingredients. Cooking together on vacation (whether to celebrate a birthday, holiday, anniversary, or the simple pleasure of dining together) is a core memory that will shape children’s relationships toward food and promote balanced eating habits over a lifetime.

However, new-found reverence for quality ingredients, healthy recipes, and a balanced diet is just one benefit. Another huge one is the bonding that results from crafting meals and exploring new cuisines together. Just as food nourishes the body, the experience of cooking and eating together strengthens emotional connections and familial bonds.

Laying the foundation while on retreat, families are easily able to adopt similar mealtime cooperation and mindfulness once they return home. Dinners are transformed from stressful, eat-on-the-fly experiences into grounding, co-created end-of-day rituals.

”Farm to Table, pick you own ingredients”<br />
”Variety of Food for Everyone”

3. It Provides Growth & Learning Opportunities for All Ages

The variety of activities and opportunities available at most resorts mean that there’s truly something for everyone. 

Imagine a day where dad successfully tackles an especially tricky 10k trail run and mom has a new breakthrough during her daily meditation session. That same day, their aspiring surfer son rides his first wave, and their daughter visits a local village to make jewelry with girls her own age. Grandma finally gives Tai Chi a try, while grandpa faces his fear of heights by doing a mild hike to a mountaintop with 360 degree views.

”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”

The next day, they all convene in the morning to visit a farmers’ market and shop for exotic produce in preparation to cook a dish none of them have previously tried. By the end of the meal, son and daughter have honed some serious knife skills, mom has learned the local words for all of the ingredients in the recipe, and grandma has surprised everyone with her penchant for super-spicy foods.

The ideal family wellness retreat experience encourages shared experiences without forcing each family member into activities inappropriate to their age or able-bodiedness. It’s all about the group celebration of each individual’s uniqueness and personal growth.

Tips for Blending Wellness with Generational Travel

Does this sound too good to be true? With the right plan in place, it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few tips for making the most of your wellness vacation, whether it should be age-appropriate to kids or older travelers:

1. Choose Inclusive Destinations: Opt for resorts that are set up to cater to all ages (like Rakxa Wellness Village in Thailand or The Farm at San Benito in The Philippines) that can offer a diverse set of activities to entertain and benefit everyone, from toddlers to grandparents.

2. Plan a Balanced Itinerary: Combine wellness activities with cultural exploration, like morning yoga sessions followed by an afternoon in local markets, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

3. Select Age-Appropriate Activities: From gentle yoga suitable for seniors to dynamic hiking or water sports for the younger ones, cater to all energy levels and interests.

4. Maintain Flexibility: Keep plans adaptable, ready to adjust to everyone’s happiness and comfort, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience for all.


”Evening Entertainment”

When considering your hotel, resort, or other accommodation provider, here are some things to look for:

”Private Mom and Daughter Time”
  • Generational Wellness Programs: Do they have programs specifically designed for all ages? Is there a focus on education about sustainable health habits? Is it a place where every family member can find something truly enriching?
  • Culinary Focus: Does the menu (and cooking classes) incorporate a variety of organic, locally sourced foods designed to meet every dietary need? Is there an emphasis on making meals a joyous part of your group’s wellness journey?
  • Impeccable Service: Does the staff pride themselves on their service, respecting each visitor’s needs? Are they well equipped to ensure a comfortable and memorable stay (particularly for mature travelers)?
  • Community & Volunteerism: Are there opportunities to engage with local traditions and give back through volunteer opportunities? Is it somewhere you’ll leave with a greater understanding of the local culture? 

Imagine family trips that aren’t just about seeing new places but about transforming the way we live and interact. These journeys are about creating a legacy of well-being for each member of the family—one exciting trip at a time.

Envisioning the Future

At MGL, we’re all about travel that encourages transformation and sparks joy. While members of mixed-age groups may have different preferences and physical abilities, choosing a destination that easily caters to this diversity of needs means that wellness is accessible to all, from one’s toddlerhood to their golden years.

The best part? These trips create shared memories and take-home traditions that can carry over into daily family life. In this way, multi-generational wellness travel is a catalyst for real and lasting change that improves the lives of each traveler and strengthens the bonds they share.

”The Farm - Pet Friendly”

If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities, drop us a line and let us help you co-create an experience you’ll never forget.