Southeast Asia’s Trending Destination: The Philippines’ Appeal To Wellness-Focused Business Executives, Digital Nomads, and Career-Oriented Parents

Anyone travels for longer stays or is considering relocation and values top-notch hospitality, value for money, and a business-friendly environment: Look no further than the Philippines. 

In recent years, the country has emerged as a vibrant hub for a variety of travelers, including digital nomads, business executives, and career-oriented parents in particular. It offers a unique blend of opportunities that appeal to a diverse range of tastes and preferences among those seeking growth and opportunity in a wellness-centric destination where work-life balance is easily attainable. 

”Programs for the young ones”

Strategic Location & Economic Growth

The Philippines are strategically located in Southeast Asia, serving as a gateway to both the ASEAN markets and the broader Asia-Pacific region. This geographical advantage makes it an ideal base for companies or entrepreneurs looking to expand their operations across Asia, or work on Asia-friendly timezones.

Despite global uncertainties, the Philippines has demonstrated remarkable economic resilience and growth. As of the time of writing in late 2024, it continues to benefit from strong domestic consumption, a growing middle class, and increased foreign direct investment, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the region.

Here are just three of the reasons the Philippines has become so popular among those looking for a long-term stay, temporary relocation, or life as an expatriate:

1. A Variety of Thriving Industries

  • Technology & Innovation: The country has seen significant growth in its tech industry, with a surge in startups and an influx of investments in fintech, e-commerce, and software development. The government’s support for digital infrastructure and incentives for tech companies have created fertile ground for innovations.
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): The Philippines remains a global leader in the BPO sector, known for its highly skilled, English-speaking workforce and competitive operational costs. This sector continues to expand beyond traditional voice services into higher-value services like finance and accounting, IT support, and creative processes.

  • Tourism & Real Estate: Boosted by the country’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, the tourism sector has rebounded strongly post-pandemic, contributing significantly to the economy. This resurgence has spurred growth in real estate, with increased demand for commercial properties, resorts, and residential developments.
”Programs for the young ones”
”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”

3. Healthy Work-Life Balance

  • Family-Friendly Amenities: Filipino culture places an emphasis on the importance of family, and this is reflected in the facilities and offerings at many hotels, resorts, and residential complexes. They offer activities that are enjoyable for all ages, making it feasible for entrepreneurs, executives, and digital nomads to provide their loved ones with a family-friendly environment.

2. Attractive Incentives for Investors

  • Government Initiatives: The Philippine government has rolled out various initiatives to attract foreign investment, including tax incentives, investment-friendly policies, and special economic zones. These measures have been designed to simplify doing business in the country, reducing barriers and enhancing profitability for foreign enterprises.

  • Human Capital: The Philippines boasts a large, young, and well-educated workforce ready to meet the demands of new businesses. The emphasis on education, particularly in English language proficiency and technical skills, makes it an attractive labor market for international companies.
”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”
  • Cultural Richness & Recreational Activities: Many find the Philippines appealing not just for its business opportunities but also for its vibrant culture, friendly people, and a high quality of life. The country offers a rich tapestry of history, traditions, and festivals, coupled with modern amenities and entertainment options.
”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”
  • Stunning Natural Beauty: From pristine beaches to breathtaking mountain ranges, the Philippines provides a picturesque backdrop for those looking to balance business with leisure. This has made it an increasingly popular destination for corporate retreats and international conferences that blend work and play.
”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”

Case Studies: Three Guests Transform at The Farm at San Benito

The Farm at San Benito, nestled in the heart of the Philippines, remains a pioneer in integrating wellness into the corporate lifestyle. Renowned for its tranquil environment and comprehensive wellness programs, it offers entrepreneurs and executives a unique opportunity to rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit. 

Here are three illustrative programs, emphasizing stress reduction, mindful leadership, and heart health, respectively. They’re easily tailored to short or long term stays; solo, family, or group travel; and individual preferences (e.g., desire for cultural exchange, outdoor exploration, fitness regimen maintenance, dietary accommodation). In short, guests can truly feel that The Farm becomes their home away from home.

”Nature- Kayaking for the Family”

1. Executive Health Program

Jim is a C-level executive at a scale up tech company in San Francisco. His company was interested in opening an offshore office in a lower-cost geography. He was tapped to spend time in the Philippines evaluating the business opportunity there. At the same time, he was suffering from burnout and early markers for stress-related illness. 

He opted for a temporary relocation to the Philippines including a long-term stay at The Farm, where he could work in close proximity to Manila while also addressing his goals of stress reduction, dietary detoxification, and improved overall wellness. 

Through a program designed by MGL, The Farm delivered a combination of medical assessments, naturopathy interventions, dietary modifications, and movement practices. 

Following his time at the Farm, Jim reported boosted productivity and more effective stress management. And, as a result of the on-site evaluations he was able to perform while in the Philippines, his company confidently and successfully set-up offshore operations there.

2. Mindful Leadership Retreat

Sara is a young, New York-based entrepreneur who has built an early-stage eCommerce subscription business from the ground up. As the company has grown, she’s needed to expand their customer support capabilities, and lead an increasingly large, diverse employee base (many working remotely as digital nomads).

She opted to spend three months in the Philippines, combining the first longer-term vacation she’d taken in years with visiting potential call center partners there. She spent one of her three months in The Philippines at The Farm, participating in a Mindful Leadership Retreat. 

This retreat has been co-created by MGL and The Farm to enhance decision-making and leadership skills through mindfulness practices. Participants like Sara engage in guided meditation, yoga, and cognitive exercises that foster clarity, emotional resilience, and a greater sense of purpose.

”Private Mom and Daughter Time”

Following her time at the Farm, Sara reported feeling “more comfortable in her skin” as a corporate leader. Mindfulness practices helped alleviate her anxiety with public speaking, which ultimately helped her raise additional funding for her company to scale. 

She also identified a wonderful call center partner who has been consistently delivering outstanding customer satisfaction, making this a true differentiator in terms of her company’s value proposition. At Sara’s recommendation, her core executive team opted to make the Philippines the destination for an important strategy retreat just a year after her initial stay there.

”Private Mom and Daughter Time”

3. Holistic Heart Health

Carl is a middle-aged CEO of a real estate investment firm with two middle-schooler daughters. In recent years, he’s been tracking the opportunity around expat-friendly condominium developments in Manila.

A self-professed “work-a-holic,” Carlos spent the majority of his working life with a decidedly poor work-life balance and limited quality time spent with his family. As a result of stress and frequent business travel (entailing lack of exercise and poor eating habits), he was suffering from early stage heart disease.

Initially, he decided to travel to the Philippines purely for a short-term stay at the Farm to “get serious” about addressing some of the lifestyle factors contributing to his heart condition. He loved that The Farm was ideally set up to accommodate his wife and daughter joining him at the property while he underwent treatment.

He received care from a team of well-educated, experienced doctors and nurses (a portion of his care was even covered by his medical insurance carrier). They were supported by therapists who performed stress-alleviating wellness treatments, taught him mindfulness practices, and recommended a long-term dietary and fitness regimen to keep him tracking toward his goals even after his program’s conclusion.

Two years later, nearly all of Carl’s heart disease-related biomarkers have stabilized at normal, healthy levels. And, the time he spent in the Philippines gave him greater conviction around the real estate investment opportunities there. 

He’s traveled back and forth several times since his initial stay, and two Philippine properties are now part of his firm’s portfolio. His family loved their time at the Farm and are now planning a return trip focused exclusively on family bonding and wellness at all ages.

”Private Mom and Daughter Time”


The Farm is just one of many Philippine retreats that make an ideal backdrop for wellness-centric stays incorporating remote work, the evaluation of regional business opportunities, or simply the opportunity to vacation and unwind.

Philippine hotels, resorts, and short-term rental complexes are leading the way by offering environments where professionals can recharge without stepping away from their corporate and familial responsibilities. The government is supporting this trend with foreign investment-friendly policies, and strong economic growth in the country is providing tailwinds for all of the above.

Due to the country’s business-friendly climate, tradition of top-notch hospitality, value for money, picturesque scenery, and opportunities for cultural exchange, it’s little wonder that the Philippines has become Southeast Asia’s best-kept secret for travelers who want to blend personal wellness and professional growth. 

Don’t wait too long to explore this hidden gem of a destination! Learn more about The Philippines as well as our local partner properties and upcoming travel opportunities here.